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Baby holding parent pinky finger
Mother and baby in autumn
Image by Jimmy Conover
Image by Solen Feyissa
Image by Rebekah Vos
Image by Luiza Braun
Image by Benji Aird
Welcome: Welcome

My Philosophy

I deeply believe that women's bodies are perfectly and incredibly designed to transform themselves in order to grow, birth, and nourish babies, and that the majority of birthing challenges result from interference with these natural processes.

That said, I understand that each and every pregnancy and birth is unique, and I respect every woman's right and ability to make the best decisions for them and their baby! I will help you understand all of your options and will compassionately stand by and support you no matter what you decide! 

I strive to do all in my power to help women and their partners feel empowered, connected, and confident in their abilities to realize the birth experience they hope for!

“I imagine a world in which
all humans are born with an
intact capacity to love,
and I am willing to devote my

life to making it happen.”

~ Robin Lim

Welcome: About Me

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome: FAQ

How will hiring you affect my partner’s role during the birth?

Your partner is your number one supporter! 
As your Birth Doula I am another member of the birth team and support everyone in their own role. A doula’s presence helps fathers or partners participate at their own comfort level, showing them how and when to use various comfort techniques, providing information, and in some cases, looking after them as well. Partners are often grateful to be able to share the “coaching” responsibility with someone more experienced, and can therefore enjoy the birth experience more.

Why are birth outcomes better with doulas present?

Multiple randomized control studies have found that the presence of a trained doula benefits everyone. The studies have consistently shown that doula care is associated with shorter labors, less use of epidurals and other pain medications, lower episiotomy rates, and as much as a 50% reduction in the C-section rate. Research has also shown better clinical outcomes for both the mother and the baby (including fewer admissions to neonatal special care units, better breastfeeding rates, and better family bonding). A doula also provides care for the mother’s partner and other family members, assists busy hospital staff, saves money, and greatly increases a mother’s overall satisfaction with her birthing experience

What are your interactions with medical staff like?

My interactions with medical staff will always be highly respectful and diplomatic. I will advocate for you - but I will do so mostly through helping you understand your options and to know which questions to ask.

Is a Doula the same thing as a Midwife?

No. A doula provides no medical or nursing care. Since she doesn’t have these responsibilities, or other patients to attend to, she can give her complete attention to being by a woman’s side for the entirety of her labor.

Can a Doula attend a C-section birth?

Yes, a woman having a C-section can still use a doula’s support. The doula may or may not be in the operating room, depending on the wishes of the family and the medical staff and the hospital's policies. But either way, the doula is still there for the early labor, and for the new mother in the recovery room

Do you perform any physical examinations?

As a Birth Doula I do not perform physical examinations.

Please feel free to email me with any other questions!

Baby holding parent pinky finger


Get in touch to learn more about my services, and to book your free initial consult!

Thanks for submitting!

Welcome: Contact

About Iolani

Born and raised in a small town in the Berkshires, caregiving and compassion stem from deep within my core and are two of my defining characteristics.

I am on the long academic and experiential road toward becoming a Nurse Midwife, and this beautiful part of my journey has lead me to become a Birth Doula and to be honored in empowering and supporting women and families in these momentous times of their lives!

Some fun facts about me:

​- I am trilingual! (German, English, Spanish - learned in that order)

- I have traveled to and spent time in 53 countries!

- I used to live in a Skoolie (school bus converted to tiny home)

- I hiked the world's tallest free-standing mountain - Mt Kilimanjaro

- I knit the sweater I'm wearing in this photo (photo taken by the talented Avida Love Photography -

- I am the first person in my family to graduate from college!

Welcome: About

As I began my journey into motherhood, Iolani met me with the knowledge and tools to help both my husband and I prepare for the ultimate event: the arrival of our precious baby girl.
We felt under-prepared and nervous, but Iolani patiently eased my worries, and taught me several techniques to help me get ready for the big day - to help make sure Stella was in the right position for delivery - and to help get through the intensity and discomfort. Throughout my lengthy labor and delivery, Iolani was so thoughtful, respectful and gentle. She has a wide range of knowledge and resources and was willing to meet me where I was at, without judgement. I would highly recommend her doula services to any expecting mommas!

Hannah Black, Birther 2021

Welcome: Testimonials

“Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life."

~ Maya Angelou

Welcome: Quote
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