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Client Testimonials

If we seem like a good fit, please get in touch to set up an initial meeting with me.

Testimonials: Testimonials

As I began my journey into motherhood, Iolani met me with the knowledge and tools to help both my husband and I prepare for the ultimate event: the arrival of our precious baby girl.
We felt under-prepared and nervous, but Iolani patiently eased my worries, and taught me several techniques to help me get ready for the big day - to help make sure Stella was in the right position for delivery - and to help get through the intensity and discomfort. Throughout my lengthy labor and delivery, Iolani was so thoughtful, respectful and gentle. She has a wide range of knowledge and resources and was willing to meet me where I was at, without judgement. I would highly recommend her doula services to any expecting mommas!

Hannah Black

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